Mariana is from Romania, but has lived in Italy for like ever. She is the FUNNIEST person ever. She knows the doctrine and she knows it. We may have to teach pridefullness sometime...hahah. Her baptism was BEAUTIFUL! Just everything about it was great and just perfect.
Canoli!!! I love it! So tasty! It sounds like it just might be a little bit authentic Italian food, except for the fettucini alfredo, that is "American Italian food" but still tasty. I will have to go there when I get home and speak some Italian :), I will learn some more southern dialect (saciliano) :)
The pictures of Cinque Terre are by Portofino yes but Porto fino is closer to Genova. We will be going to Portofino nest week probably.
Glad to hear the vacation was worth it, but I think a cruse around Italy would be better, just not in is do dang Hot and HUMID. I have never sweated more in my life than this past week. Walking around the street in the wet air that is like upper 30's is not fun. Come home for lunch at 1.30 and my garments are soaked and my white shirt is wet too.....gross! You have to love being a missionary! :)
Anziano Gainer is AMAZING. He really is. He is just that perfect missionary and just does everything well. He is just a bast to next too. Always up beat and ready to work. Great stuff! We are having a bunch of success, but in August is is really hard to have a high lesson count. Its true everyone goes on vacation for two or three weeks, we have hand a bunch of our investigators who told us they are leaving and so we can call them in September! Also all of the potentials we get on the street tell us the same thing. Ugh.. So frusturating! Also, half the stores are closed, with signs that say, "Closed, will retun in September, have a good vacation! " Maybe the best part of Anz. gainer is that he was trained in Montevarchi and so when he speaks you can hear the Firenze dialect. The dialect spoken in Tuscany, in Firenze is the 'perfect Italain' its the most pure Itlain. It sounds super cool, they dont pronounce their "c"s and it is a really soft smooth sound to everything. It is what Anz Proctor spoke, my second companion, becuase he served in Firenze for 4 trasfers as Capo Zona before trasfering to Vicenza to be with me.
A really good song is called "dont give up" by Josh Grobin. Check it out.
August first was one of the hardest days on my mission, sort of like how May 3rd and May 11th were, (you can ask Angie about those two days, I emailed her. I loved and hated them at the same time. I prayed that May 3rd and May 11th and just this past week, Aug 1st would be great memorable days, and sure thing they were) Anyways, Thursday was my half way mark, and I have never heard any missionary call it "Hump-day" (must just be those state side Elders.... hahaha) and I prayed it would be a great memorable day. To keep it short Mario will not get baptized on the 10th of Aug. We will find out this weekend when we can reset his date. Then, the next day we met Mario agian and told him that we have to drop his date. He was SO SAD, it was do hard to tell him that he can not get baptized on that day as he has so happly been expecting to. I felt like I crushed his heart, but he understands and is making progress still and loves meeting with us. Mario is such a special man and so close to my heart. Love my Equadorian brother to death!
"Ecco, io sone un discepolo di Gesù Cristo, il Figlio did Dio. Sono stato chiamato da lui a proclamare la sua parola fra il suo popolo, affinché essi posano aver la vita eterna." That is what I am here to do for the next year, it will be the better of the two. I can see teh success that will be coming and I have that fire to find teach and baptize that indeed they can have eternal life. That is what I chose to do and I am going to do it. That is my call. I am constantly remeinded of who I represend as His name is big bold letters just under my name on my so special black tag. I could not even think about not helping others here in italy to have what I have. It is my duty to share what I have so dearly learned and give to all others the blessings that I have so be blessed with. This is His work. AMEN.
With all the love in the world times 100!
Con l'amore, il vosto amico,
Anziano Edwards
attached is a picture of me with my new shoulder side bag! (now I am obedient to the new mission rules
Picture of a rat...enough said |
1 Year Mug Shot |
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