Well just found out that the member who is going give us a ride to the train station this eveing will be at the appartment in an hour and I am not 100% packed. I am getting trasfered to Genova 1. There are two branches in that city. It is known for its greet pesto on focaccia. Buona!
I will be bottle breaking Anziano Smith...if I remember right...Bottlebreaking means I am his companion after he is trained, so he is in his third trasfer, just finished being trained. I will be living in 4 with the zone leaders. I will be district leader of my apartment and a copia of sorelle. All the membes say I am so blessed to go to Genova. I am excited but SO SAD to leave. This branch and city means everything to me. Darmaris will be baptized on Sunday afternoon, the 23rd, which I will miss wich is one of the reaons I am so sad. I have been blessed to have known her and seen the change in her life. William I cried when we went and ate lunch with him today and I gave him pictures, a letter, and a tie of mine. He is the coolest person ever. I am sad to leave Leo, the coolest 2 year old kid ever! I love that kid! He is the perfect son, secondo me. He is the funniest kid I have ever met. The branch president thanked me because I have been the best misisonary according to him that Udine has had in a LONG time. So I must have done something right. Anziano Paganos new comp will be Anziano Memott, he is currently in Verona as the zone leader. He is one of the best in the mission secondo me.
My train leaves udine at 7 tonight, we are staying the night in Padova, catching a 7 am train to Verona where Anz. Pagano will get off and meet his new comp, then I will travel to Milano alone to meet up with two other missionareies who are getting transfered to Genova too and us three will travel south to beautiful Genova. Crazy train rides!
My bike works and the day when we had only one working bike, picture attached we rode to gether on one bike, Anz. Pagano peddeled and I just sat on the back.
President leaves the first week in July.
Ps, on sunday anziano russel M Nelson came and spoke in Padova,. Willaim and Darmaris both attended and they loved him.
Anziano Edwards
ps trasfers are so dang stressfull when you have to take a billion diffeerent trains, trains get canceled, and the sorelle in my district have train problems! AHHHH this is awful! I cant explain all of the trubble but we re not taking a train this evening but one early tommmorrow morring to verona then to milano alone then to genova. Trains in Italy are so confusing!
Here are some pictures as we have a minute until the member comes to give us a ride back to our apartment for the evening.
I wrote down what pictures I wanted to send home but forgot what they are of so good luck determining what they are....
Sorry again that email sucks this week, next week will be better.
I am super great, and the saddest to leave this wonderful city. When assistents called on monday will trasfer calls, they said I was leaving Udine and I literally screamed NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Cool thing that the assistent said, was, if youa re sad to leave your city, that must mean you are leaving youir area stronger than what is was when you got there. I feel that I did my part by strenthening Udine for the better. All the members really thanked my and basically all said the same thing that I was what the city needed to get back rolling and having the success. Udine the past year has had a lot of missionaries in their last few trasfers so they werer 'trunky' and didnt work as hard as they should have so the work suffered. I have promised myself not to be that missionary.
Well on sudday anziano Russel M Nelson came to padova and we attened. I shook his hand and all of us missionaries in the zone took a picture with him, I wil send that picture next week(my zone leader has it on his camera) He is awesome.
He hinted that the way missionary work goes will be changed significantly for the 21st century. We bugged him but he wouldnt tell us what specifically is changing! The suspense!!!1
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