Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zone Conference

Email: May 29, 2013

I could, its always a possibility, to get transfered June 13, will get a call the Monday before. I say no, because I will likely finish traning Anz. Pagano and I think Udine will get another copia as we one of the only apartments in the mission who has two extra beds and two extra desks, as then since I have been here, I would teach everyone the city and it could be a smooth trasition. Boh, we will see!
My bike sucks, a bolt is missing, it could have been inportant....bit fell of while riding since the roads here are super smooth....or not!
The weather is cold and rainy, The Alps got snow and everyone started freaking out. I guess may is never this cold. I think my fingers are going to fall off in the evenings just like during the winter. I love it! Sorta...Anz. Pagano calls me a sorelle as I say its so cold, I have turned the heat back on for the apartment. All it does is rain, I think its the weirdest thing ever, SO WEIRD! I like living in the desert. Living in the clouds is only cool for about a day. Next week should begin the Italian summer! 100% humitity and always in the 30 degrees! Whoo!
We have warm water! Nearly went a week! A fuse blew, the fix it man was quick and nice. He says were were lucky.
Zone confrnce was great, it was in Verona, combined zone confrence of the mestre zne and the verona zone. We left a day early and stayed the night in Treviso, we all had cold showers because their hot h20 doesnt turn on untill a cirten time in the morning. I was used to cold showers but still heated water up on the stove.

Time to catch a train to Pordenone to do another baptism interview for the Sorelle!


Until next week.
Love you all, work is great. Its the Lords work!
Anziano Edwards

The Church in Pordenone, where District Meetings are
"The apartment in Treviso where we stayed the night when we just traveled to Versone for zone confrence. Like a little venice. :) So pretty!"
The Anziani & William
Anz. Edwards & S.lla Wolfgramm
Anz. Edwards & Presidente Wolfgramm

Monday, May 27, 2013

Best Mission Ever

Email: May 22, 2013

Well ciao! I honestly dont know what to say....Another week of fantastic missionary work has come and gone here in the best misson ever. Always goes by to quick! I hate it!

Well enjoy our summer and good weather. We have been rainy every day the past week and honestly, I have been cold!

Fun news, I was being obediant and iroing my shirts one morining and the power went out, who would have guessed a little clothes iron would flip the breaker. Fliped it back on and then Anziano Pagano was showering and complained the water wasnt hot...well the waterheater/boiler stoped working. That was Tuesday of last week and it was fixed Monday....those were some cold showers! Woke me up though! I heated up our two big pots of water on the stove, Anz. Pagano wanted to be tough and just suffered though a cold shower.

I got a flat tire yesterday. Anziano Pagano got one today. Being on foot is so much slower!

I ate some gelato. It was like heaven. 

Zone confrence on the 28th, it should be the last time I see Pres. and Sorella Wolfgramm, as they are going home at the end of the trasfer middle of June. So sad, I LOVE them!!! 

The past two mondays was district meeting. The Sorelle said it was fantastic. As district leader I assign who plays the piano and who prays, and a spiritual thought, Then I have to train them and inspire them. My personal touch is always bringing food and snacks, I say that is the most important part of district meeting! haha Sorella Pearce said that I am the most paitient missionary she has met and that I am the best district leader she has had, and she honestly meant it so that made me feel really good. ScambiO, not scambia was great. We have another one this thursday/friday, another next week and then a third one in two weeks. One a week!  I do scambi with gorizia and trieste, the two most eastern cities in the mission, Udine is the third most eastern city. 

Update on Willaim, he got the preisthood two weeks ago and past the sacrament this past sunday! It was such a cool experiance for me! My eyes got a tear, or two, or was so special! I love him!

Well I love you all more than ever, 
Sorry no pictures, forgot my cammera :(

Anziano Edwards

Life is Great!!!

Email: May 15, 2013

(Anz. Edwards was able to Skype with his family on Mother's Day! He is looking and doing awesome! Loving Italy and serving the Lord)

Well as you could tell, I a doing great physically, spirtually, and emotionaly, and yeah....IM DOING GREAT!!! I am a missionary of the only true church in ITALY, my beautiful sister is married, my family is blessed, my companion is awesome, we are preparing people for baptism, and the branch (il Ramo di Udine) is super great, I can speak Italian, I havnt crashed on my bike in over a week....yeah life is great. I am blessed beyond beleif, but then I think to myself, well duh! The Lord has always said blessed are the obedient, blessed are the rightous, ect. I can be expecting the blessings, and moe than ever they are comming! WOW!

I am sure the wedding and reception was beautitul, it is the wedding and reception of my AMAZING PERFECT  family! I am so happy and glad I was able to attend and everyone thought it was funny and I was part of a photo shoot ;)

Well Bho, but I think it is spelled boh, (both spellings are correct I think....) but anyways, it meens, like "i dont know" its what you say when some one asks a dumb, or difficult or pointless question, usually you shrug your shoulders too when you say it. It is really common. I say it like literally 20 or 40 times a day! 

continued so I can attach more pictures as I have to attach pictues while typing because public internet points have crapy slow computers.....
Im back!
The pictures are
-Andrea (Andrew in Italiano) it was in one of the catholic churches, no clue what it means there were like 10 of then on the wall with deffernt names....boh! It was cool and fancy so I took a picture
-it rained all day, rather, it poured all day long so we came home in the evening and poured the water out of our shoes and rang all the water out of our clothes....yeah we were was so fun though!
- me in Pordenone(the city that has an air force base and the sorelle) we were walking ot the church for district meeting on monday and we passed 5 trucks with gigantic food in the beds
-Just a cool picture the day before the big rain storm., I should be a professional pohotograher huh!?
-Random picture . It was an old prison back a bajillion years ago. Just in the middle of the city. It was cool I guess.

Pray for Damaris! He will not be making her date for the 25th of May. She needs the prayer so she isnt scared of the future even though she has the strongest faith dispite falling. She also needs the help though prayers so she can keep all of the commandments. This week we met wit here and she really opened up just as we sat and listened with here. We met in the church for a short lesson and stayed for an hour and a half and we just listened, blessing come if you listen with your ears but more importantly with your heart, aka listening with the spirit!

We dropped Martas date as she isnt doing anything with real intent. We are praying to know how to work with her.

Well I love you all and our distric battle cry is Nefi 11:10 COSA DESIDERI? what desireth thou? We are going to work on seeking our oersonal desires as misisonaries and secondly of course, the desires of our investigators by listening with our hearts and asking in the fist lesson simply," what do you desire from us during these lessons?" 

You are all so amazing. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vi vogio bene!

Anziano Edwards!!!!!

Update from Udine

Email: May 8, 2013

District leader is stessfull and I never have personal time, buts thats OK, training is good, not really stresfull you just have to do good stuff be a good example and just tell your new greenie to go and do it. I love it, I just tell him to go and talk to eveyone and I follow around the city and am there to talk if he didnt understand, which is rare as he speakes amazingly, way better then me. His language skills are at where I was at the end of my 3 thransfer, Its fantastic! He is Anziano Pagano, his ancestors are from Southern Italy but his is all American, raised in Colorado springs but from Rio Rancho New Mexico! He is one of the new 18 year olds! In fact the youngest missionary in Italy,ì. He speaks spanish too, but is forgetting it as he uses Italian more. The coolest thing is when ever we are out of the appartment, he only responds to me in Italain, he is alsways SLYing (lingo from the MTC, Speak Your Language). I love him! I about have killed him on the bikes, he is not used to sprinting on bikes though crazy cities all day. He was sore, I just laughed and said you will get used to us. He thinks traffic is crazy and the roads are insane, which is true but you just get used to weeving though traffic and getting hit by cars and what not, the usual. hahah He is awesome, I have been so blessed with not getting 'that one companion' who you just dont get along with, but hey I still have more than a year left.

My responsibilities are a bunch of borring stuff. Every sunday evening I have to call each copia(companionship) and get their weekly number totals and then call the zone leaders so they can report to the assistants. During the week I have to do 'mid week' check up phone calls, at least once, I do it more often. Just make sure the other district members are doing ok, follow up with their goals and give encouragement. Then every week that we dont have a zone meeeing, I have to be incharege of a distric meeting and lastly I have to doscambi(exchanges) with each district member, but since they are sorelle, I just so themwith the other distrct which is Gorizia and Trieste(the two most eastern cities in the mission. Trieste is considered the outcast city...haha. 
As a trainer, I just have to be a good example and tell my newbie to do stuff and tell him how great he is. Simple sufff, basically just keep being a good missionary. Its a lot easier when he speaks really really really good and just has the drive to do everything, plus he has the whole bible and Book of Mormon memorized which is one thing I am awful with. 

There were 14 new anziani and 17 new sorelle!!!!! SO MANY!!!!!! Its fantastic. Every sister in the mission is being trained or is training! There are a buch of third transfer trainers and even two sisters who are training in their second trasfer, so training only after being out in Italy for 6 weeks! Its crazy! In 6 weeks, we have even more comming in! I ,love it! A ,little sad as Udine did not get a second copia, companionship, but in the nest transfer I bet.

Didnt hear about the tornado...maybe nest zone confrence...bho! Was it bad?

The weather is HOT,. I am used and love the hot, but not when it is always 90 or 99% humitity! Its awful but am getting used to it. It has been really stormy this week and also the weekend. I love it. Its a billion times better then doing finding work in the snow, that snow stuff is just too cold! It was awful! I hope I spend my next winter in San Remo! There it isnt cold, just slightly cold where you are glad you are in suit jackets. That will be nice!

The investigator Marta, who has a date for may 25th, but we might drop her this evening as she isnt keeping commitments and doing anything with real intent, just meeting usbecause wer are cool american boys doing god stuff. Anyways, she bought me and ANziano Tanner ties...mine was a really really really really eligant and fancy tie, and anziano tanners was an italian tie, but it was a cheesy cartoon tom and jerry tie. hahaha, we know her favorite missionary.....she always brings us chocolate or some sort of candy or food, or pastry. Its good stuff, but not what we want necessarly. (sorry I cant spell...)

Proof from the bible that italy is the best mission....Hebrews 13:24
D&C is1:30 is really cool, go look it up!

Grazie tanto per tuto ciò che fate per me!
Vi voglio un saco di bene! 

Con tutto l'amore nel mondo,
Anziano Edwards!!!!!!!!!!
New Italy Milan Missionaries 
Random Italian City Street
Anz. Pagano & Anz. Edwards in a park
A random picture of some grapes(its so pretty here now the grapes are growing, and they are eveywhere! Love it!, fun fact, grape jelly doesnt exist here, all grapes are used for wine, not jam)
New Companion (Anz. Pagano) &President and Sister Wolfgramm
A swarm of bees in the middle of centro(main part of the city) They were all swarmed on a random bike, sucks to have that be your bike. Everyone was taking pictures and it was really funny just to watch the people who didnt notice the gigantic swarm and ride their bikes into it. haha, a buch a people nearly crashed as tehy let go of the handel bars and started smacking them and flinging their arms. it was a good p-day activity to say the least, hahaha

Introducing the new Udine District Leader!

Email: May 1, 2013

Well, transfer calls on monday were a shock to say the least! We were expecting one as I have never even heard of a trainee being with thir trainer for more than two trasfers. Well even though I was really hoping to get out of Udine, even though I really love it, I wanted to see the rest of Italy, and Anziano Tanner is getting trasfered out and I am staying. He is getting Anziano Hymas, who will be starting his 16 trasfer(aka his last) so Anziano Tanner is getting one of the best (I did a scambio(exchange) with Hymas my first trasfer) missionaries. They will be opening up a second companionship in Torino! They are starting at gound zero, neither Hymas or Tanner have even set foot near Torino. They are living in an apartment with Anziano Olson(my group) and an Itlaian. they will have so much fun!
As for me...I will me getting a new companion, when I say new, I mean new, I am training! And to top it all off, I will be district leader! And to add some more exitment, my district will be Udine(obviously!) and Porenone. Pordenone has one companionship of Anziani and they are both leaving and 4 sorelle are comming, and both companionships are training! So I am over 4 sisters, each companionship will be training, WHOO!!!! >Bring it on! I am so scared, nervious but mostly excited and ready to go! I am really excited to stay in Udine as I have become really close to the branch, I love them all and they all love me,amazing success and miracles always-what more can I ask for!? Nothing! Its perfect. THis next trasfer, we should have amazing success! Genova has a man with a date for baptim the 4th of may and he is moving to udine that weekend so we just need to teach him tithing and fasting, get him to church then plan the baptism! We dont really have to do anything, he is a recently retired man who comes to church always and has read nearly the entire Libro di Mormon, accepts everything and loves it all! He has the strongest testimony they say and was just ready for the gosple. Plus he is all Italain!  Also, DaMarisa, the lady from Ruwanda who just walked into church is loving the lessons and best of all the members just take over and do all the work! Our last lesson last week, we invited her to church again and she looked at us like we were stupid and basically said "duh, why wouldnt I !?" Mircale! She came and I all we did for jer at church was at the end ask her what she liked, and set up another appointment with her, the members were always with her the rest of church, The members are amazing!!! member work is key! Also, at the end of chruch, a member, Sorella Trevisan came up to us and said I will see you at 6 on tuesday, we said we cant as that is when we have a lesson with DaMarisa, and she said exactly, that is why I will see you, I am coming to your lesson. Wow, well I dont think there is any easier way to get a member present lesson! She is so cool! Both the member and DaMarisa! Plus, who knows what other success will becoming in the next few weeks during this trasfer. The lord has his hand in this work, it is his work, and I am just his silly little 20 yearold servent doing so little, but with his help, so much comes to pass. La Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni è vero! io lo so!

The pituers are when we went to lunch with William our new convert and he taught us how to make "fufu" and then we all ate together and had one othe the most spiritual lessons I have ever had. The lesson was reteaching him the restoration and a testimony meeting as it was the last time he will see Anz. Tanner. The reason it was so great and spiritua was because of the love I and also anziano tanner have for him. If you love the person, like truly care and love them, the spirit has no choice to be there and to fill the room. I liteally felt another presence in his house. It was the coolest thing ever. I am lucky enough to be with William another 6 or 12 weeks. He will be getting the preisthood this week or next week! So cool!
The fufu was amazing. I have had it before in Vicenza but this was so yummy! It is just like a ball of playdough (potao flakes and flour) and a pepper/tomato soup with chicken, super simple and great tasting. It is so filling, we are so much and we both almost puked! Such a great time.

Picturues got mixed up. the pictue on the stairs is us with Branch President Bressan, the other with our newly released and was amzing branch mission leader(he is hungarian but lived in Itay for like 30 years) Our new branch  mission leader is David, who gets mad if you call him Davide, he was named after the misisonary that baptized his parents so thus his name is americanized, anways he is like 25 and went to London England on his mission and honestly probably was the best missionary ever. We are so lucky to have him as our new mission leader.

Well dont have any time today as we have to go catch a train to Torino, spend the night there, then wake up and get to Milano by 9:30am for my trainer meeting.
Anz. Tanner getting full

Anz. Tanner, Anz. Edwards, Pres. Bressan
Anz. Edwards before "getting full"